1 - section: its virtues and abetting.
2427 - Ben Ali, Asim told us: Ibn Abi Describe a wolf, the Almcypri, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (O Muslim women, not Thakrn neighbor to neighbor, even Vrsen sheep).
2428 - Describe Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Aloojse: Tell us the son of Abu Hazim, from his father, on more than Ben Roman, the Erwa, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her as she Erwa:
The son of my sister, if we are to look at the Crescent, and Crescent, in full of three months, fueled in lines and the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and fire. I said: Oh, his uncle, was Ieickm? She said: dates and water boxes, but it has been for the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the neighbors of the Ansar, who had Mnaih, who were given the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation from Olbanhm Visagina.
[6093, 6094]
2 - door: a little gift.
2429 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Tell us a proud son Uday, the Division of Solomon from Abu Hazim from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (if invited to the arm, or the sponsor, I would, if presented to the arm or the sponsor has accepted).
3 - section: Astohb of the owners of nothing.
"Abu Said: The Prophet, peace be upon him: (Beat me share with you).
2430 - Ibn Abi Maryam told us: Tell us Abu Ghassan said: Abu Hazim told me, on the plain may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him sent to a woman of immigrants, and had a carpenter Ghulam, said to her: (Meri Ashman let us wallpaper, forum). Ordered Abdha, cutting off the view of the Chinese tamarisk, a platform-making, when judges, sent to the Prophet peace be upon him that he had spent, he said peace be upon him: (send it to). Though they, the Vaanmlh blessings of Allah and peace be upon him and put it where you can see.
2431 - Describe Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah said: Muhammad ibn Ja'far told me, from Abu Hazim, Abdullah bin Abi Qatada peaceful, the father may Allah be pleased with him said:
I was once sitting with the men of the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him in a house on the road to Mecca, the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and engaged us, and deprived people, and I'm not a mahram, a donkey Vobesroa and brutal, and I am busy O_khasv uphold, no Iwznoni, and I love if I saw it , and turned Vobesrth, and I Vosrjtah to the Persians, and then installed and forgot Whip and javelin, so I said to them: Whip Noluni and javelin, and said: God does not not Enaink for something, Vgillt Vokzthma the Romans, and then got stressed Fqrth ass, and then I came by have died, when they signed eat, and then they complained in their devouring him they are denied, hidden joy and spar with me, so we understood the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vsolnah, it said: (you anything). I said: Yes, mid-upper arm Venolth Voklha even Nfdha is forbidden.
Vhdtni by Zaid bin Aslam from Ata ibn Yasar from Abu Qatada.
4 - door: from Astsagy.
The plain: He told me God's blessings and peace be upon him: (Asagni). [5314]
2432 - Describe Khalid bin Mukhalad: event Bilal Bin Sulaiman said: Abu stilt told me, by the name of Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, said: I heard ANSA may Allah be pleased with him says:
Has paid rich blessings of Allaah and peace in the home, the Fastsagy, Vhbanna a sheep for us, and then Cpth water Birna this Voattiyth, Abu Bakr, on his left, and the age of him, and my on his right, when completed, "said Omar: This is Abu Bakr, gave A'raabi His bounty, and then said: (Aloimnon Aloimnon, not Fimnoa). Anas said: It is the year, it is the year, three times.
5 - section: Acceptance of gift hunting.
Before the Prophet may Allah bless him and Abu Qatada, an impact of fishing. [2431]
2433 - Solomon ibn Harb to us: Tell us the Division of Hisham ibn Zayd ibn Anas ibn Malik, from Anas may Allah be pleased with him said:
Onfjna rabbit over Dhahran, people sought Vghaboa, Vodrkiha So I took her, the father of Talha Voti Vzbhaa, and sent it to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: Burkha and thighs, he said: There is no doubt where the thighs, accepted. I said: and eat it? Said: eat it, said later: before.
[5171, 5215]
2434 - Ismail said to us: me, Malik, from Ibn Shihab, from Obaidullah Ibn Abdullah Ibn threshold bin Masood, Abdullah bin Abbas bin on hard Jthamp may Allaah be pleased with them:
That gave the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and a donkey and a brutal, or a Baloboa Baudin, by an individual, when he saw what he said in his face: (I did not want you but I was denied).
6 - section: Acceptance of the gift.
2435 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us worshipers: Tell us Hisham, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her:
That people were checking on Bhdayahm Aa'ishah, want, or want it, Messenger of Allah's pleasure, God's blessings and peace be upon him.
[2441, 2442, 3564]
2436 - Adam told us: Tell us Division: Tell us Eyas Bin Jaafar said: I heard Sa'id bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them:
Book or a grandson, aunt of the son of Abbas, the Prophet peace be upon him, and sensors and Smona Oilla, Vokl the Prophet peace be upon him Aloqt of ghee, and left Alill Tqdhira, Ibn Abbas said: Vokl on the table of Allah and peace be upon him, even if it is haraam eat at the table of Allah and peace be upon him.
[5074, 5087, 6925]
2437 - Ibrahim bin Mundhir Tell us: Tell us please, he said: Ibrahim bin Thman me, Muhammad bin Ziyad, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and asked if the food came in: (Oahdip or charity). If it is said that charity. Said to his companions: (eat). Did not eat, although it was said gift, he was in his hand, God's blessings and peace be upon him Vokl with them.
2438 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us the Division, for Qatada, from Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him said:
Came to the Prophet peace be upon him meat, and was told: Brerp ratified, he said: (it is a charity, a gift to us).
2439 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us Division, Abdul Rahman bin Qasim said: I heard about the denominator, the soul:
They wanted to buy Brerp and forced allegiance, he of the Prophet peace be upon him, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Voatekayaa buy, it is loyalty manumit). Gave them meat, and was told of the Prophet peace be upon him: This is to ratify the Brerp, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (it is a charity and a gift to us). And Gert.
Abdul Rahman said: her husband, Abdul, or free, the Division: Abdel-Rahman asked for her husband, said: I do not know, or warm Abdul.
2440 - Describe fighter Abu Mohammed bin Hassan: Tell Khalid bin Abdullah, Khaled shoe, the Hafsa bint Sirin, or on the Atiyah said:
Income of the Prophet may Allah bless him and the soul, he said: (do something). She said: "No, but something or sent by Attia, to the Shah, which sent them by the charity, said: (it had replaced).
7 - Bab: n gave to some friends and explored without some women.
2441/2442 - Describe Solomon ibn Harb: Tell us Hammad ibn Zayd, Hisham on, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah said:
People were investigating Bhdayahm daily. Umm Salamah said: The Suahbi gathered, she to him, turn away from.
(2442) - Ismail said to us: me, my brother, Sulaiman, from Hisham bin Erwa, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her:
Women that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him were two parties: The party in which Aisha and Hafsa and Sawdah, and Umm Salama, the other party and other women of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, and the Muslims had learned the love of Allah and peace be upon him, Aisha, if one of them at the gift, he wanted to give to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the last, even if the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and Aisha in the house, sent a gift to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation in the house, Aisha, Umm Salamah Vklm Party, Vqln her: The Messenger of God's own blessings God and peace be upon him talk to the people, saying: Those who want to guide the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him a gift, Vlihdha to homes where women, including His words of Umm Salamah who said it did not say anything, Vsolnha, she said: What I said nothing, it Vqln: Vklmih, said: His words when the House is also not at least have something, Vsolnha said: What I said nothing, it Vqln: Kelmih even Ichaelmk, His words to the House, he said to them: (not in Twveni Aa'ishah, the revelation did not Iotni I am a woman in a dress However, Aisha). She said: said: I repent to God of Omak, O Messenger of Allah, then they called on Fatima Bint Allah and peace be upon him, sent to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and says: The God of Justice Nadsk Incdnk in Bint Abi Bakr, His words, he said: (O intention not to like what I like). She said: "Yes, they Faragat Vokbernhn, Vqln: Vopt Ardjai to refer Vorslan Zainab bint Jahsh, missed Vogzt, said: The God of Justice Nadsk Incdnk in Bint Ibn Abi dipper, raising her voice, even on the base which Aishah Vsptha, so that the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him to consider speaking to Aa'ishah May, he said: Aisha Vtkelmt respond to Zainab even stifled, she said: the Prophet looked upon him and handed over to Aisha, and said: (she, daughter of Abu Bakr).
Al-Bukhaari said: the last words recall the story of Fatima Hisham bin Erwa, about a man who, for syphilis, Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman. "Said Abu Marwan, the Hisham, on Erwa: Bhdayahm people were checking on Aisha. And Hisham, a man from Quraish, a man from the next of syphilis, from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman bin Harith bin Hisham, Aisha said: when you blessings of Allah and peace be upon him Fastoznt Fatima.
8 - section: What is not the gift.
2443 - Describe Abu Muammar: Abdul Waris told us: Tell us Ezrp Bin Thabet Al-Ansari said: me Osmamp bin Abdullah said:
Entered by Vaollene good, he said: The Anas may Allah be pleased with him is not good, he said: It was alleged Anas: The Prophet peace be upon him is not good.
9 - Bab: the view from the grant award absent.
2444 - Describe Said ibn Abi Maryam: Describe Layth said: me Aqil, from Ibn Shihab said: Erwa said: the walled bin punch may Allaah be pleased with them and Marwan told him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him when he received the delegation of Oguzn, the people,
Commended to God, what is his family, said: (As yet, we have a repenters the brothers, and I would like to respond to them I saw Spehm, it is love that you are pleased that Vljeval, and it is like to be at the moment so give him one of the first Eve's what we have) .
People said: Taibna you.
10 - Bab: the gift of reward.
2445 - Tell us outstanding: Isa bin Yunus told us, the Hisham, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and accept the gift and rewarded them.
Kia did not mention, and the records of the Hisham, from his father, the Aisha.
11 - Bab: the gift of the child, and if given some of the thing generated is not permissible, even modify them and give others like him, is not it.
The Prophet peace be upon him: (Adloa Attiyah in between your children).
Did the father of that is due in Attiyth, and eat the money generated does not exceed the Propagation of Virtue.
Bought the Prophet may Allah bless him and the life of train, and then gave him the son of Omar, and said: Make it what you want. [2009]
2446 - Describe Abdullah ibn Yusuf: Tell us Malik from Ibn Shihab Hamid bin Abdul Rahman, Muhammad ibn al-Nu'man bin Bashir: that they Hdthah of Nu'man ibn Bashir:
That his father came to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: The son Nhalt this boy, he said: (and your child to eat like Nhalt). Said: No, he said: (Vardjah).
[2447, 2507]
12 - Bab: the certification of the donation.
2447 - Hamid bin Omar told us: Abu Awanp to us, is immune from the Amer said: I heard al-Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with them on a podium to say:
My father gave me Attiya, said Amra bint Ruahp: not even the satisfaction of witnessing the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, man to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: "I was given my son-year-old girl Ruahp Attia, Vomrtne Ochdk that, O Messenger of Allah said: (the other was given your child such as this). Said: No, he said: (So fear God and Adloa of your children). Said: Faraga Attiyth individual.
13 - Bab: the gift of men and women to his wife to her husband.
Ibrahim said: Prize. "Said Omar bin Abdul Aziz: No due. Ask permission and blessings of Allah and peace be upon him that the women get sick in the house Aisha. The Prophet peace be upon him: (return gift, Kalkalp due Kiih).
The syphilis, who told his wife: WAHBI Saddaqk me some or all of, but then did not stay small, so he divorced her Faragat which, he said: if it is Khalbha, although given for the good not the same thing that he may be deceiving, said God: (the Tabn you breath it for something). / Women: 4 /.
2448 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us Hisham, from Muammar, the syphilis, he said: Tell me Obaidullah bin Abdullah: The soul:
As the weight of God's blessings and peace be upon him Vachtd Ansaari, Ozusband ask permission to get sick in my house, authorized him, went between the legs of two men going over the ground, and was
Between Abbas and another man, said Obaidullah: stated by Ibn Abbas said Aisha, said to me: Did you know the man who had not named Aisha? I said: No, he said: Ali bin Abi Talib.
2449 - Ibrahim bin Muslim told us: Tell us Wahib: Tell us Taous son, from his father, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (Kalkalp gift in return, then back in Iqie Kiih).
[2478, 2479, 6574]
14 - Bab: a gift for women, however, her husband and Atgaha, if it is permissible spouse, if were not Sverp, if Sverp is not permissible.
Almighty God said: (and) your foolish Twtwa / Women: 5 /.
2450/2451 - Describe Abu Asim, the son of the injured, from Ibn Abi Malika, the worshipers of bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with the names of them said:
I said: O Messenger of God, as I have money, but what added to the Al-Zubair, Votsedk? Said: (Tsedki, and educate you Viuay).
(2451) - Describe Obaidullah bin Said: Tell us Abdullah bin Nemir: Tell us Erwa Ibn Hisham, from Fatima, the names of:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Onfiqi, not counting the Faihsi you God, and God will educate you Vioai).
2452 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya, the lion, the more, for Bekir, the son of Abbas Kreb humbly: Happy Bint Harith that may Allaah be pleased with him:
Freeing of the offspring, and no permission Prophet peace be upon him, when he was around the time when it said: O Messenger of Allaah be notified, and the freeing of Idti I? Said: (or did). She said: "Yes, he said: (As if I gave you was the greatest Ojoalk Zawahri).
And harmful, "said Bakr bin, Amr, the Bekir, the Kreb: The Happy freeing.
2453 - Describe Hibbaan BENMOUSSA: Abdullah told us: Tell us Younis, from syphilis, the Erwa, the Messenger of Allaah said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and wanted to travel, if I knock the women, came out better for you than having it out with the yen, which was apportioned to each of whom night and day, but the girl Sawdah Zam'ah donated time and night to Aisha's husband the Prophet peace be upon him, so non-satisfaction of the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him.
[2494, 2518, 2542, 2723, 3208, 3801, 3910 - 3912, 4413, 4414, 4472 - 4474, 4479, 6285, 6301, 6935, 6936, 7061, 7106]
15 - section: Who starts gift.
2454 - The Baker: Amr, the Bekir, the son of Abbas Kreb humbly: The Happy husband Prophet may Allah bless him and the result of freeing them, he said to her: (even at some of the greatest Ojoalk Zawahri).
2455 - Describe Bashar Mohammed bin: bin Mohammed Jaafar told us: Tell us the Division, from Abu Omran Juni, from Talha bin Abdullah, a man of the time, Ben, Tim Brown, the Messenger of Allaah said:
I said: O Messenger of Allah, I have neighbors, in addition to whichever dedicate? Said: (Oqrabhma you to the Pope).
16 - Bab: It did not accept the gift of the bug.
"Said Omar bin Abdul Aziz: The gift in time of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him a gift, and today a bribe.
2456 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb for syphilis, he said: Tell me Obaidullah bin Abdullah bin threshold: that Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them told him:
That he heard bin Jthamp Leithi difficult, and it was the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him, tell that to the Messenger of God gave God's blessings and peace be upon him donkey monster, a Baloboa or Baudin, which is forbidden, Ferdh, Saab said: When he knew in my face said Hdety reply: ( not us, you reply, but we were denied).
2457 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Tell us Sufyaan on syphilis, from Ibn al-Zubayr Erwa, from Abu Hamid Saedi, may Allah be pleased with him said:
Use the blessings of Allah and peace be upon him Alozd man, his son said Alletbip, charity, and when presented, he said: This is dedicated to you and me. Said: (Could sat in the house of his father or his mother's house, his athletic seen him or not? And myself in his hands, it does not take one thing only came to him on the Day of Resurrection to his neck, if it Rghae train, or have a cow mooing, or ill Shah ).
Then lifting his hand up to our Aqrah Ibtih: (May God was, God was May). Three.
17 - section: If the donation of a gift or a promise, and then died before they reached him.
Obedah said: The dead were disposed of the gift, the Mahdi and his heirs are alive,
But were not separated, it is presented by the heirs. Hassan said: Which is it before he died to the heirs of his Mahdi, if taken by the Prophet.
2458 - Describe Ali bin Abdullah: Sufyaan Tell us: Tell us Munkadir son: I heard the Jabra may Allah be pleased with him said:
He told me God's blessings and peace be upon him: (if money was so voted Bahrain - three). Did not submit to death by God's blessings and peace, ordered Abu Bakr calling Club: It was when the Prophet peace be upon him several Vliotna, religion, Votih I said: The Prophet peace be upon him, and promised me, Vgesy me, three.
18 - section: How to arrest a person and luggage.
Ibn Umar said: I have a difficult Baker, Vachtrah blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, and said: (is you, Abdullah).
2459 - Describe Qutaiba bin Said: Describe lion, the son of Malika, the walled
Punch Ibn Quran said:
Section of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the cellars, which did not punch something, punch, he said: O Children of us go to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vantalegt with him, said: Enter Vadeh me, he said: Vdaute it got to him and it Koubaa them, he said : (Bona This is for you). Said: it was considered, he said: (may punch).
[2514, 2959, 5464, 5524, 5781]
19 - section: If the donation of a gift did not say the other Vqdina accepted.
2460 - Describe Muhammad ibn Mahbub: Abdul Wahid, told us: Tell us Moamer for syphilis, Hamid bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
A man came to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: lost, he said: (and that). Said: Bahli occurred during Ramadan, he said: (see the neck). Said: No, he said: (Will be able to fast two consecutive months apart). Said: No, he said: (It could feed sixty poor person). Said: No, he said: a man from the Ansar came the sweat, and race Almktl with which, he said: (go to that ratify it). Said: The greatest need of us, O Messenger of God, and who sent you the right to Aptiha among the neediest people of the house of us, he said: (go Votamh parents).
20 - section: If we gave the men.
Division, said the verdict: It is permissible. And Ali Bin Hassan gave them the peace of a man's religion. The Prophet peace be upon him: (have a right to it or Vlieth Ithllah it). Jabir said: my father, killed by the religion, he asked God's blessings and peace be upon him to accept the fruit Grmeh wall and analyze my father.
2461 - Describe Abadan: Abdullah told us: Tell us Younis. Layth said: Younis told me, from Ibn Shihab said: told me the son of Ka'b ibn Maalik that: Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them told him:
That his father was killed on one of martyrs, in their respective Vachtd, Voti Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and His words, Vsolhm to accept the fruit wall and analyze Vobwa my father, not enough time the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation wall was crushing them, but he said: (I, you) . Tomorrow when we become, in the palm Vtaf he called fruit Balbrkp, Vjaddedtha Their case their rights, leaving the rest of us Tmrha, and then came the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, sitting Vokbernh that, "The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and to the age: (I hear - a sitting - Iamr). He said: not to be? Has taught us that you are the Messenger of God, and God you are the Messenger of Allaah.
21 - Bab: the gift of one of the group.
The names of the Mohammed bin Qasim, and Ibn Abi obsolete: inherited from my sister Aisha forest, has given me the Maaouya hundred thousand, as it is for.
2462 - Yahya bin Qzaap Tell us: Tell us the owner, the Abu Hazim from Sahl ibn Saad, may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him came Bhrab Fsharb, Ghulam and his right, and left Aloceach, said of Iran: (authorized given me those). He said: I would have my share Oother you, O Messenger of Allah one, Vtlh in his hand).
22 - Bab: the gift received and accepted, and shared and shared.
The donation of the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions to the Oguzn Gnamwa them which is not divided.
Sabit said bin Mohammed: Describe priced, the warrior, from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him: I bring the Prophet peace be upon him in the mosque, and Vqadani Zadenei.
2463 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us the Division, the warrior, I heard Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them to say:
Sold from the Prophet may Allah bless him and travel in the train, come when the city said: (Ait separation of the mosque's head). Weigh, Division said: I see: I weigh Vorjeh, still nothing so I hit on the free people of the Levant.
2464 - Describe Qutaiba, the owner, the Abu Hazim from Sahl ibn Saad, may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and brought Bhrab, Ghulam and his right, and left Oceach, said of Iran: (Otozn give me those). The boy said: No God, not one of you my share Oother, Vtlh in his hand.
2465 - Describe Othman bin Abdullah bin Jabala said: Tell me Father, for the Division of Salamah said: I heard Aba Salamah, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
The man on the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation religion, understood by his companions, he said: (by invitation, the author of an article right). He said: (We do not have Voattoh bought it). They said: "I do not find, however, are not the best of his age, he said: (Vachtroha, Voattoha him, the juvenile Jerkm Ohassankm).
2427 - Ben Ali, Asim told us: Ibn Abi Describe a wolf, the Almcypri, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (O Muslim women, not Thakrn neighbor to neighbor, even Vrsen sheep).
2428 - Describe Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Aloojse: Tell us the son of Abu Hazim, from his father, on more than Ben Roman, the Erwa, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her as she Erwa:
The son of my sister, if we are to look at the Crescent, and Crescent, in full of three months, fueled in lines and the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and fire. I said: Oh, his uncle, was Ieickm? She said: dates and water boxes, but it has been for the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the neighbors of the Ansar, who had Mnaih, who were given the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation from Olbanhm Visagina.
[6093, 6094]
2 - door: a little gift.
2429 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Tell us a proud son Uday, the Division of Solomon from Abu Hazim from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (if invited to the arm, or the sponsor, I would, if presented to the arm or the sponsor has accepted).
3 - section: Astohb of the owners of nothing.
"Abu Said: The Prophet, peace be upon him: (Beat me share with you).
2430 - Ibn Abi Maryam told us: Tell us Abu Ghassan said: Abu Hazim told me, on the plain may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him sent to a woman of immigrants, and had a carpenter Ghulam, said to her: (Meri Ashman let us wallpaper, forum). Ordered Abdha, cutting off the view of the Chinese tamarisk, a platform-making, when judges, sent to the Prophet peace be upon him that he had spent, he said peace be upon him: (send it to). Though they, the Vaanmlh blessings of Allah and peace be upon him and put it where you can see.
2431 - Describe Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah said: Muhammad ibn Ja'far told me, from Abu Hazim, Abdullah bin Abi Qatada peaceful, the father may Allah be pleased with him said:
I was once sitting with the men of the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him in a house on the road to Mecca, the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and engaged us, and deprived people, and I'm not a mahram, a donkey Vobesroa and brutal, and I am busy O_khasv uphold, no Iwznoni, and I love if I saw it , and turned Vobesrth, and I Vosrjtah to the Persians, and then installed and forgot Whip and javelin, so I said to them: Whip Noluni and javelin, and said: God does not not Enaink for something, Vgillt Vokzthma the Romans, and then got stressed Fqrth ass, and then I came by have died, when they signed eat, and then they complained in their devouring him they are denied, hidden joy and spar with me, so we understood the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vsolnah, it said: (you anything). I said: Yes, mid-upper arm Venolth Voklha even Nfdha is forbidden.
Vhdtni by Zaid bin Aslam from Ata ibn Yasar from Abu Qatada.
4 - door: from Astsagy.
The plain: He told me God's blessings and peace be upon him: (Asagni). [5314]
2432 - Describe Khalid bin Mukhalad: event Bilal Bin Sulaiman said: Abu stilt told me, by the name of Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, said: I heard ANSA may Allah be pleased with him says:
Has paid rich blessings of Allaah and peace in the home, the Fastsagy, Vhbanna a sheep for us, and then Cpth water Birna this Voattiyth, Abu Bakr, on his left, and the age of him, and my on his right, when completed, "said Omar: This is Abu Bakr, gave A'raabi His bounty, and then said: (Aloimnon Aloimnon, not Fimnoa). Anas said: It is the year, it is the year, three times.
5 - section: Acceptance of gift hunting.
Before the Prophet may Allah bless him and Abu Qatada, an impact of fishing. [2431]
2433 - Solomon ibn Harb to us: Tell us the Division of Hisham ibn Zayd ibn Anas ibn Malik, from Anas may Allah be pleased with him said:
Onfjna rabbit over Dhahran, people sought Vghaboa, Vodrkiha So I took her, the father of Talha Voti Vzbhaa, and sent it to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: Burkha and thighs, he said: There is no doubt where the thighs, accepted. I said: and eat it? Said: eat it, said later: before.
[5171, 5215]
2434 - Ismail said to us: me, Malik, from Ibn Shihab, from Obaidullah Ibn Abdullah Ibn threshold bin Masood, Abdullah bin Abbas bin on hard Jthamp may Allaah be pleased with them:
That gave the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and a donkey and a brutal, or a Baloboa Baudin, by an individual, when he saw what he said in his face: (I did not want you but I was denied).
6 - section: Acceptance of the gift.
2435 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us worshipers: Tell us Hisham, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her:
That people were checking on Bhdayahm Aa'ishah, want, or want it, Messenger of Allah's pleasure, God's blessings and peace be upon him.
[2441, 2442, 3564]
2436 - Adam told us: Tell us Division: Tell us Eyas Bin Jaafar said: I heard Sa'id bin Jubayr, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them:
Book or a grandson, aunt of the son of Abbas, the Prophet peace be upon him, and sensors and Smona Oilla, Vokl the Prophet peace be upon him Aloqt of ghee, and left Alill Tqdhira, Ibn Abbas said: Vokl on the table of Allah and peace be upon him, even if it is haraam eat at the table of Allah and peace be upon him.
[5074, 5087, 6925]
2437 - Ibrahim bin Mundhir Tell us: Tell us please, he said: Ibrahim bin Thman me, Muhammad bin Ziyad, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and asked if the food came in: (Oahdip or charity). If it is said that charity. Said to his companions: (eat). Did not eat, although it was said gift, he was in his hand, God's blessings and peace be upon him Vokl with them.
2438 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us the Division, for Qatada, from Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him said:
Came to the Prophet peace be upon him meat, and was told: Brerp ratified, he said: (it is a charity, a gift to us).
2439 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us Division, Abdul Rahman bin Qasim said: I heard about the denominator, the soul:
They wanted to buy Brerp and forced allegiance, he of the Prophet peace be upon him, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Voatekayaa buy, it is loyalty manumit). Gave them meat, and was told of the Prophet peace be upon him: This is to ratify the Brerp, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (it is a charity and a gift to us). And Gert.
Abdul Rahman said: her husband, Abdul, or free, the Division: Abdel-Rahman asked for her husband, said: I do not know, or warm Abdul.
2440 - Describe fighter Abu Mohammed bin Hassan: Tell Khalid bin Abdullah, Khaled shoe, the Hafsa bint Sirin, or on the Atiyah said:
Income of the Prophet may Allah bless him and the soul, he said: (do something). She said: "No, but something or sent by Attia, to the Shah, which sent them by the charity, said: (it had replaced).
7 - Bab: n gave to some friends and explored without some women.
2441/2442 - Describe Solomon ibn Harb: Tell us Hammad ibn Zayd, Hisham on, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah said:
People were investigating Bhdayahm daily. Umm Salamah said: The Suahbi gathered, she to him, turn away from.
(2442) - Ismail said to us: me, my brother, Sulaiman, from Hisham bin Erwa, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah be pleased with her:
Women that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him were two parties: The party in which Aisha and Hafsa and Sawdah, and Umm Salama, the other party and other women of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, and the Muslims had learned the love of Allah and peace be upon him, Aisha, if one of them at the gift, he wanted to give to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the last, even if the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and Aisha in the house, sent a gift to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation in the house, Aisha, Umm Salamah Vklm Party, Vqln her: The Messenger of God's own blessings God and peace be upon him talk to the people, saying: Those who want to guide the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him a gift, Vlihdha to homes where women, including His words of Umm Salamah who said it did not say anything, Vsolnha, she said: What I said nothing, it Vqln: Vklmih, said: His words when the House is also not at least have something, Vsolnha said: What I said nothing, it Vqln: Kelmih even Ichaelmk, His words to the House, he said to them: (not in Twveni Aa'ishah, the revelation did not Iotni I am a woman in a dress However, Aisha). She said: said: I repent to God of Omak, O Messenger of Allah, then they called on Fatima Bint Allah and peace be upon him, sent to the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and says: The God of Justice Nadsk Incdnk in Bint Abi Bakr, His words, he said: (O intention not to like what I like). She said: "Yes, they Faragat Vokbernhn, Vqln: Vopt Ardjai to refer Vorslan Zainab bint Jahsh, missed Vogzt, said: The God of Justice Nadsk Incdnk in Bint Ibn Abi dipper, raising her voice, even on the base which Aishah Vsptha, so that the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him to consider speaking to Aa'ishah May, he said: Aisha Vtkelmt respond to Zainab even stifled, she said: the Prophet looked upon him and handed over to Aisha, and said: (she, daughter of Abu Bakr).
Al-Bukhaari said: the last words recall the story of Fatima Hisham bin Erwa, about a man who, for syphilis, Muhammad bin Abd al-Rahman. "Said Abu Marwan, the Hisham, on Erwa: Bhdayahm people were checking on Aisha. And Hisham, a man from Quraish, a man from the next of syphilis, from Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman bin Harith bin Hisham, Aisha said: when you blessings of Allah and peace be upon him Fastoznt Fatima.
8 - section: What is not the gift.
2443 - Describe Abu Muammar: Abdul Waris told us: Tell us Ezrp Bin Thabet Al-Ansari said: me Osmamp bin Abdullah said:
Entered by Vaollene good, he said: The Anas may Allah be pleased with him is not good, he said: It was alleged Anas: The Prophet peace be upon him is not good.
9 - Bab: the view from the grant award absent.
2444 - Describe Said ibn Abi Maryam: Describe Layth said: me Aqil, from Ibn Shihab said: Erwa said: the walled bin punch may Allaah be pleased with them and Marwan told him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him when he received the delegation of Oguzn, the people,
Commended to God, what is his family, said: (As yet, we have a repenters the brothers, and I would like to respond to them I saw Spehm, it is love that you are pleased that Vljeval, and it is like to be at the moment so give him one of the first Eve's what we have) .
People said: Taibna you.
10 - Bab: the gift of reward.
2445 - Tell us outstanding: Isa bin Yunus told us, the Hisham, from his father, the Messenger of Allaah said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and accept the gift and rewarded them.
Kia did not mention, and the records of the Hisham, from his father, the Aisha.
11 - Bab: the gift of the child, and if given some of the thing generated is not permissible, even modify them and give others like him, is not it.
The Prophet peace be upon him: (Adloa Attiyah in between your children).
Did the father of that is due in Attiyth, and eat the money generated does not exceed the Propagation of Virtue.
Bought the Prophet may Allah bless him and the life of train, and then gave him the son of Omar, and said: Make it what you want. [2009]
2446 - Describe Abdullah ibn Yusuf: Tell us Malik from Ibn Shihab Hamid bin Abdul Rahman, Muhammad ibn al-Nu'man bin Bashir: that they Hdthah of Nu'man ibn Bashir:
That his father came to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: The son Nhalt this boy, he said: (and your child to eat like Nhalt). Said: No, he said: (Vardjah).
[2447, 2507]
12 - Bab: the certification of the donation.
2447 - Hamid bin Omar told us: Abu Awanp to us, is immune from the Amer said: I heard al-Nu'man bin Bashir, may Allah be pleased with them on a podium to say:
My father gave me Attiya, said Amra bint Ruahp: not even the satisfaction of witnessing the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, man to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: "I was given my son-year-old girl Ruahp Attia, Vomrtne Ochdk that, O Messenger of Allah said: (the other was given your child such as this). Said: No, he said: (So fear God and Adloa of your children). Said: Faraga Attiyth individual.
13 - Bab: the gift of men and women to his wife to her husband.
Ibrahim said: Prize. "Said Omar bin Abdul Aziz: No due. Ask permission and blessings of Allah and peace be upon him that the women get sick in the house Aisha. The Prophet peace be upon him: (return gift, Kalkalp due Kiih).
The syphilis, who told his wife: WAHBI Saddaqk me some or all of, but then did not stay small, so he divorced her Faragat which, he said: if it is Khalbha, although given for the good not the same thing that he may be deceiving, said God: (the Tabn you breath it for something). / Women: 4 /.
2448 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us Hisham, from Muammar, the syphilis, he said: Tell me Obaidullah bin Abdullah: The soul:
As the weight of God's blessings and peace be upon him Vachtd Ansaari, Ozusband ask permission to get sick in my house, authorized him, went between the legs of two men going over the ground, and was
Between Abbas and another man, said Obaidullah: stated by Ibn Abbas said Aisha, said to me: Did you know the man who had not named Aisha? I said: No, he said: Ali bin Abi Talib.
2449 - Ibrahim bin Muslim told us: Tell us Wahib: Tell us Taous son, from his father, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (Kalkalp gift in return, then back in Iqie Kiih).
[2478, 2479, 6574]
14 - Bab: a gift for women, however, her husband and Atgaha, if it is permissible spouse, if were not Sverp, if Sverp is not permissible.
Almighty God said: (and) your foolish Twtwa / Women: 5 /.
2450/2451 - Describe Abu Asim, the son of the injured, from Ibn Abi Malika, the worshipers of bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with the names of them said:
I said: O Messenger of God, as I have money, but what added to the Al-Zubair, Votsedk? Said: (Tsedki, and educate you Viuay).
(2451) - Describe Obaidullah bin Said: Tell us Abdullah bin Nemir: Tell us Erwa Ibn Hisham, from Fatima, the names of:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Onfiqi, not counting the Faihsi you God, and God will educate you Vioai).
2452 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya, the lion, the more, for Bekir, the son of Abbas Kreb humbly: Happy Bint Harith that may Allaah be pleased with him:
Freeing of the offspring, and no permission Prophet peace be upon him, when he was around the time when it said: O Messenger of Allaah be notified, and the freeing of Idti I? Said: (or did). She said: "Yes, he said: (As if I gave you was the greatest Ojoalk Zawahri).
And harmful, "said Bakr bin, Amr, the Bekir, the Kreb: The Happy freeing.
2453 - Describe Hibbaan BENMOUSSA: Abdullah told us: Tell us Younis, from syphilis, the Erwa, the Messenger of Allaah said:
The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and wanted to travel, if I knock the women, came out better for you than having it out with the yen, which was apportioned to each of whom night and day, but the girl Sawdah Zam'ah donated time and night to Aisha's husband the Prophet peace be upon him, so non-satisfaction of the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him.
[2494, 2518, 2542, 2723, 3208, 3801, 3910 - 3912, 4413, 4414, 4472 - 4474, 4479, 6285, 6301, 6935, 6936, 7061, 7106]
15 - section: Who starts gift.
2454 - The Baker: Amr, the Bekir, the son of Abbas Kreb humbly: The Happy husband Prophet may Allah bless him and the result of freeing them, he said to her: (even at some of the greatest Ojoalk Zawahri).
2455 - Describe Bashar Mohammed bin: bin Mohammed Jaafar told us: Tell us the Division, from Abu Omran Juni, from Talha bin Abdullah, a man of the time, Ben, Tim Brown, the Messenger of Allaah said:
I said: O Messenger of Allah, I have neighbors, in addition to whichever dedicate? Said: (Oqrabhma you to the Pope).
16 - Bab: It did not accept the gift of the bug.
"Said Omar bin Abdul Aziz: The gift in time of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him a gift, and today a bribe.
2456 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb for syphilis, he said: Tell me Obaidullah bin Abdullah bin threshold: that Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them told him:
That he heard bin Jthamp Leithi difficult, and it was the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him, tell that to the Messenger of God gave God's blessings and peace be upon him donkey monster, a Baloboa or Baudin, which is forbidden, Ferdh, Saab said: When he knew in my face said Hdety reply: ( not us, you reply, but we were denied).
2457 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Tell us Sufyaan on syphilis, from Ibn al-Zubayr Erwa, from Abu Hamid Saedi, may Allah be pleased with him said:
Use the blessings of Allah and peace be upon him Alozd man, his son said Alletbip, charity, and when presented, he said: This is dedicated to you and me. Said: (Could sat in the house of his father or his mother's house, his athletic seen him or not? And myself in his hands, it does not take one thing only came to him on the Day of Resurrection to his neck, if it Rghae train, or have a cow mooing, or ill Shah ).
Then lifting his hand up to our Aqrah Ibtih: (May God was, God was May). Three.
17 - section: If the donation of a gift or a promise, and then died before they reached him.
Obedah said: The dead were disposed of the gift, the Mahdi and his heirs are alive,
But were not separated, it is presented by the heirs. Hassan said: Which is it before he died to the heirs of his Mahdi, if taken by the Prophet.
2458 - Describe Ali bin Abdullah: Sufyaan Tell us: Tell us Munkadir son: I heard the Jabra may Allah be pleased with him said:
He told me God's blessings and peace be upon him: (if money was so voted Bahrain - three). Did not submit to death by God's blessings and peace, ordered Abu Bakr calling Club: It was when the Prophet peace be upon him several Vliotna, religion, Votih I said: The Prophet peace be upon him, and promised me, Vgesy me, three.
18 - section: How to arrest a person and luggage.
Ibn Umar said: I have a difficult Baker, Vachtrah blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, and said: (is you, Abdullah).
2459 - Describe Qutaiba bin Said: Describe lion, the son of Malika, the walled
Punch Ibn Quran said:
Section of the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and the cellars, which did not punch something, punch, he said: O Children of us go to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vantalegt with him, said: Enter Vadeh me, he said: Vdaute it got to him and it Koubaa them, he said : (Bona This is for you). Said: it was considered, he said: (may punch).
[2514, 2959, 5464, 5524, 5781]
19 - section: If the donation of a gift did not say the other Vqdina accepted.
2460 - Describe Muhammad ibn Mahbub: Abdul Wahid, told us: Tell us Moamer for syphilis, Hamid bin Abdul Rahman, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
A man came to the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: lost, he said: (and that). Said: Bahli occurred during Ramadan, he said: (see the neck). Said: No, he said: (Will be able to fast two consecutive months apart). Said: No, he said: (It could feed sixty poor person). Said: No, he said: a man from the Ansar came the sweat, and race Almktl with which, he said: (go to that ratify it). Said: The greatest need of us, O Messenger of God, and who sent you the right to Aptiha among the neediest people of the house of us, he said: (go Votamh parents).
20 - section: If we gave the men.
Division, said the verdict: It is permissible. And Ali Bin Hassan gave them the peace of a man's religion. The Prophet peace be upon him: (have a right to it or Vlieth Ithllah it). Jabir said: my father, killed by the religion, he asked God's blessings and peace be upon him to accept the fruit Grmeh wall and analyze my father.
2461 - Describe Abadan: Abdullah told us: Tell us Younis. Layth said: Younis told me, from Ibn Shihab said: told me the son of Ka'b ibn Maalik that: Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them told him:
That his father was killed on one of martyrs, in their respective Vachtd, Voti Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and His words, Vsolhm to accept the fruit wall and analyze Vobwa my father, not enough time the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation wall was crushing them, but he said: (I, you) . Tomorrow when we become, in the palm Vtaf he called fruit Balbrkp, Vjaddedtha Their case their rights, leaving the rest of us Tmrha, and then came the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, sitting Vokbernh that, "The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and to the age: (I hear - a sitting - Iamr). He said: not to be? Has taught us that you are the Messenger of God, and God you are the Messenger of Allaah.
21 - Bab: the gift of one of the group.
The names of the Mohammed bin Qasim, and Ibn Abi obsolete: inherited from my sister Aisha forest, has given me the Maaouya hundred thousand, as it is for.
2462 - Yahya bin Qzaap Tell us: Tell us the owner, the Abu Hazim from Sahl ibn Saad, may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him came Bhrab Fsharb, Ghulam and his right, and left Aloceach, said of Iran: (authorized given me those). He said: I would have my share Oother you, O Messenger of Allah one, Vtlh in his hand).
22 - Bab: the gift received and accepted, and shared and shared.
The donation of the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions to the Oguzn Gnamwa them which is not divided.
Sabit said bin Mohammed: Describe priced, the warrior, from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him: I bring the Prophet peace be upon him in the mosque, and Vqadani Zadenei.
2463 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Gandar to us: Tell us the Division, the warrior, I heard Jabir bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them to say:
Sold from the Prophet may Allah bless him and travel in the train, come when the city said: (Ait separation of the mosque's head). Weigh, Division said: I see: I weigh Vorjeh, still nothing so I hit on the free people of the Levant.
2464 - Describe Qutaiba, the owner, the Abu Hazim from Sahl ibn Saad, may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and brought Bhrab, Ghulam and his right, and left Oceach, said of Iran: (Otozn give me those). The boy said: No God, not one of you my share Oother, Vtlh in his hand.
2465 - Describe Othman bin Abdullah bin Jabala said: Tell me Father, for the Division of Salamah said: I heard Aba Salamah, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
The man on the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation religion, understood by his companions, he said: (by invitation, the author of an article right). He said: (We do not have Voattoh bought it). They said: "I do not find, however, are not the best of his age, he said: (Vachtroha, Voattoha him, the juvenile Jerkm Ohassankm).
23 - section: If the donation of a group of people.
2466 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya: Describe lion, the Aqil, from Ibn Shihab, from Erwa: Marwan bin governance, punch walled Ben told him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him said, when he received the delegation of Muslims Oguzn, Vsoloh to respond to them and their Spehm, he said to them: (you can see me, and I love to talk to believe him, so they have decided for one of the two: either captured or money, I was Astonit). The Prophet may Allah bless him and waited for him a dozen of the night, when the closure of Al-Taif, and when they found out that the Prophet peace be upon him, however, home to only one of the two communities, said: I choose SPINA, so the Muslims, he commended to God what is his, and then said: (As yet, the brothers of these we have a repenters, and I would like to respond to them I saw Spehm, it is love that you are pleased that Vljeval, and it is like to be at the moment so give him the first thing we Evi God Vljeval). People said: O Messenger of Allah Taibna them, he said to them: (I do not know which of the authorized you who did not authorize, even raise Varjawa us Arafawkm enough). Faraga people, Vklmanm Arafawhm, and then returned to the Prophet may Allah bless him and tell him: and they Taiboa authorized. That is what we Oguzn of captivity. This is the last to say pink, I mean: This is who we are.
24 - Bab: gave him a gift and he Gelsawh is later.
It should be mentioned that Ibn Abbas: The Geladsh partners, not true.
2467 - Describe the son of a fighter: Abdullah told us: Tell us the Division of Salamah bin Khel, from Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him that we are not taking the spot accompanied by receiving, he said: (The author of an article right). Then spent the best of the age, and said: (Ovdilkm eliminate Ohassankm).
2468 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Tell us Aienp son, Amr, the son of Omar, may Allah be pleased with them:
He was with the Prophet peace be upon him in the travel, was the virgin of the age is difficult, it was like God's blessings and peace be upon him, his father says: "O Abdullah, does not take God's blessings and peace be upon him one. Said to him, the Prophet peace be upon him: (a given). Omar said: It is you, Vachtrah, said: (is you, Abdullah, Vsna what you want).
25 - section: If the donation of a man, a train passenger is permitted.
2469 - The Humaidi: Tell us Sufyaan: Amr told us, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
We were with the Prophet peace be upon him in the travel, I Bakr, Saab, said God's blessings and peace be upon him to the age of: (a given). Fabtall, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (is you, Abdullah).
26 - Bab: He hates the gift of Bsa.
2470 - Describe Abdullah bin Muslim, the owner of the beneficial, Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Omar bin al-Khattab saw Sira suit at the door of the mosque, he said: O Messenger of God, if I bought Vbustha on Friday and the delegation, said: (worn but not creative in the Hereafter). Then there was analyzed, giving the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and including the age of suit, and said: Oksotineha, and I said at the Mercury suit, what I said? He said: (I did not Okskha to Talpsha). Vksaha his brother Omar in Mecca engaging.
2471 - Describe Abu Jafar Mohammed ibn Jaafar: Tell us Fidail son, from his father, from Nafi, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and Fatima did not enter the house, and she came to him, Vzl of the Prophet peace be upon him said: (I saw the door Mochea Sitra). He said: (What do I have to a minimum). Votaha Ali stated that she, she said: to Iomrni including wills in which, he said: (so send it to the people, the House need them).
2472 - Describe Hajjaj bin Mnhal: Division said to us: Tell me soft bin Abdul Malik said: I heard Zaid bin Wahab, Ali may Allah be pleased with him said:
Dedicated to the Prophet peace be upon him suit Sira, Vbustha, and I saw anger in his face, between the female Vhqguetha.
[5051, 5502]
27 - section: to accept the gift of obedience.
"Abu Hurayra, the Prophet peace be upon him: (migrated Bassarp Abraham, peace be upon him, and his village, where the king or Jabbar, said: give remuneration). [2104]
And presented to the Prophet may Allah bless him and the sheep cm.
"Abu Hamid: doomed king gave to the Prophet may Allah bless him and yields white, Xap Barda, and wrote him Bbharham.
2473 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Mohammed bin Yunus told us: Tell us Shiban from Qatada: Anas told us may Allah be pleased with him said:
Dedicate to the Prophet peace be upon him Sundus meal, and the end of the silk, which Fjb people, he said: (by the same hand Mohammed, Saad bin for tissues in heaven forbid better than this).
Said, for Qatada, from Anas: The Okidr Domat down to the Prophet peace be upon him.
2474 - Describe Abdullah bin Abd al-Wahhab: Khalid bin Al-Harith told us: Tell us the Division of Hisham bin Zaid, from Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him:
Jewish came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and the Shah of Vokl poisoned them, the Vjie was told: Do not Nguetlha? Said: (not). I know what I'm still in Hoat Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him.
2475 - Abu al-Nu'man to us: Tell us Umrah Bin Sulaiman, from his father, from Abu Othman, Abdul Rahman bin Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
We were with the Prophet peace be upon him, one hundred thirty, he said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Do you eat with one). If a man with food Saa or so, Fjn, and then a man came mushrik Mishaan long Bgenm forward, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (a sale or Attiya, or he said: or gift). Said: No, but the sale, buying him a sheep, Vsnat, and ordered the Prophet peace be upon him Psoad the abdomen that Lishui, and Lyme God, in the thirty per cent, however, may hurt the Prophet may Allah bless him and his snick of the stomach, either, if a witness gave him , although it is hidden away, pushed them Kassatin, and going behind Ojmon Cbena preferred Akassatan, Vhmlnah on the back, or, as he said.
28 - Bab: the gift of the heathens.
The words of Allah: (Allah does not forbid you from those who had not fought in religion did not Ikrjokm of Dyarkm Tbroohm and justly to them) / Almtnp: 8 /.
2476 - Khalid bin Mukhalad Tell us: Tell us Bilal Bin Sulaiman said: Abdullah, the son told me dinars from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Omar felt suit on a man is sold, he said of the Prophet peace be upon him: Apta this Talpsha Hilla on Friday, and if it comes to you the delegation. He said: (but do not wear this creative in the Hereafter). Faati Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and including Bhll, sent them to the age of gown, Omar said: How Olbsaa I have said what I said where? Said: (I did not Okskha to Talpsha, sell or capped). Sent by Omar to his brother from the people of Mecca, before the.
2477 - Describe Obaid bin Ismail: Tell us Abu Osama, the Hisham, from his father, the names of the daughter of Abu Bakr may Allaah be pleased with them said:
It made my mother a joint, in the era of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Fastftit the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, I said: that made my mother is willing, my mother Ovosal? Said: (Yes, pray your mother).
[3012, 5633, 5634]
29 - section: it does not solve the one due in the endowment and ratified.
2478/2479 - Describe Muslim ibn Ibrahim: Describe the Division Hisham said: Tell us Qatada, bin Said on the Mussayab, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (return gift of Kaid Kiih).
(2479) - Describe Abdul Rahman bin Mubarak: Abdul Waris told us: Tell us Ayoub, on Akrama, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (not as bad for us, which is in the gift, because Kalkalp Kiih).
2480 - Yahya bin Qzaap Tell us: Tell us the owner, the Zeid ibn Aslam, from his father: I heard Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him says:
Charged against the Persians in the name of Allah, Vodall who was with him, and that Ostraeh dead, and I thought that the vendor licenses, asked that the Prophet of God
And peace be upon him said: (although not Tstrh Oattake one dirham, the return Kalkalp ratified due Kiih).
2481 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us Hisham ibn Yusuf: The son of Greg told them, he said: Tell me Abdullah bin Obeid-Allah ibn Abi Malikah:
Souhaib be built, like the son of Molly, claiming two and a room, that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and gave it Ziba, Marwan said: Who is it for you, they said: the son of Omar, the Advocates, has witnessed the Messenger of God gave God's blessings and peace be upon him, and Ziba Petn room , Marwan spent testify to them.
30 - section: What was said on the age and Alrquby.
Oamrth house are old, made it to him. Astamrkm where () / Hood: 61 /: you to Amara.
2482 - Naim Abu Tell us: Tell us Shiban on Yahya, from Abu Salamah from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said:
Spent the Prophet peace be upon him Balamry, it is endowed with it.
2483 - Describe Hafs Umar bin: Hammam told us: Tell us Qatada said: Anas told me Nadr bin, the bin Bashir Nhiek, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Imari Award). He said the tender:
Jaber told me, for God's blessings and peace be upon him: so.
31 - Bab: people borrowed from the Persians.
2484 - Adam told us: Tell us the Division of Qatada said: I heard ANSA says:
Was panic city, Fastar the Prophet peace be upon him horse of Abu Talha said Representative Frckb him, when he returned, he said: (What we have seen nothing, although we found the sea).
[2665, 2702, 2707, 2711, 2712, 2751, 2806, 2807, 2875, 5686, 5858]
32 - Bab: metaphor in the construction of the bride.
2485 - Naim Abu Tell us: Tell us Ayman bin Abdul Wahid said: My father told me, he said:
Entered the soul, and the shield of Qatar, the price of five dirhams, said: highest Besrk Jarreti to see it, it tezhi to wear at home, I had the shield of them at the time of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, what was the city's women Tekin sent only to borrow.
33 - Bab: Alminihp preferred.
2486 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya: Tell us the owner of the trigger, my father, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Yes Alminihp Alqahp Alsfi grant, and Shah Alsfi, and you become Biina Biina).
Describe Abdullah Yusuf bin Ismail, the owner said: Yes (charity).
2487 - Describe Abdullah ibn Yusuf: Tell us the son of the donation: Tell us Younis, from Ibn Shihab from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him said:
As migrants came to the city of Mecca, and not in their hands, I mean nothing, and the supporters and the people of the earth property, the Ansar Faqasmanm Iattohm that the fruits of their money every year, and Jkovhm work and food, and the mother or Anas or sound, or Abdullah ibn Abi Talha, was Anas given or the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Amaqa, Voattahn the Prophet peace be upon him, or Ayman Mullach or Osama Bin Zeid.
Ibn Shihab said: he told me that Anas bin Malik: The Prophet peace be upon him for the killing of the people completed the Khyber, Vanasrv to the city, the response of migrants to the supporters who gave them that Mnaiham of Osmaarham, to the Prophet may Allah bless him and to his mother Amagaha, and gave the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him, or their place of Ayman Haith.
Said Ahmed bin Shabib: My father told us, from Yunus: That, he said: their place of faith.
2488 - Tell us outstanding: Isa bin Yunus told us: Tell us Awzai of Hassan Ben Attia, from Abu Kpcp Alslouli: I heard Abdullah bin Amr, may Allah be pleased with them to say:
"The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (Forty-lock, Oalahn Minihp Al Anz, no worker, including Bouksalp Please Thoabha and the ratification Moaudha, but introduced by the paradise of God).
Hassan said: Fddna below Minihp Al Anz, a response of peace, Tchmidt Sneezer, and remove the harm from the road and so on, what we have been able to reach fifteen lock.
2489 - Mohammed bin Yousef told us: Tell us Awzaa'i said: me tender, about Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said:
The curiosity of the men, two of us and said: Nwajerha third quarter and a half, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (from the ground has been Vliseraha, or to give his brother, the father Vllemsk home).
2490 - The Mohammed bin Yousef: Tell us Awzaa'i: syphilis told me: Ben told me tender more than: Abu Said, told me:
My came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and asked him about immigration, he said: (and scratching the great migration that, do you Ebel). Said: "Yes, he said: (gives ratified). Said: "Yes, he said: (Is it something given). Said: "Yes, he said: (Vthalbha day response). Said: "Yes, he said: (Vaaml from overseas, then God will not leave anything of your business).
2491 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Abd al-Wahhab, to us: Tell us Ayoub, Amr, the Taous said: Let them know told me to that - I mean, the son of Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them --
That the Prophet peace be upon him came to the land planting shaken, he said: (this is). They said: Akatraha so, he said: (As if he granted it, the better it
Paid to take it known).
34 - the door: if he said: Okhaddmtk this current, the Itaref people, it is permissible.
Some people said: This is naked, but he said: Xotk this dress, it is a gift.
2492 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb: Abu Describe the trigger, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Hajer Ibrahim Bassarp, Voattoha pay, Faragat said: God is notified repress the infidel, and the product of a serving).
Ibn Sirin said, from Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet peace be upon him: (Vokhaddmha emigrated).
35 - section: If a man carrying a horse, it Kalamry and charity.
He said some people: that is due them.
2493 - Describe Humaidi: Tell us Sufian said: I heard the owner ask Zayd ibn Aslam said: I heard my father say: "Omar may Allah be pleased with him:
Charged against the Persians in the name of Allah, Froith sold, she asked the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and he said: (not Tstrh, is not in Sedktk).
2466 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya: Describe lion, the Aqil, from Ibn Shihab, from Erwa: Marwan bin governance, punch walled Ben told him:
That the Prophet peace be upon him said, when he received the delegation of Muslims Oguzn, Vsoloh to respond to them and their Spehm, he said to them: (you can see me, and I love to talk to believe him, so they have decided for one of the two: either captured or money, I was Astonit). The Prophet may Allah bless him and waited for him a dozen of the night, when the closure of Al-Taif, and when they found out that the Prophet peace be upon him, however, home to only one of the two communities, said: I choose SPINA, so the Muslims, he commended to God what is his, and then said: (As yet, the brothers of these we have a repenters, and I would like to respond to them I saw Spehm, it is love that you are pleased that Vljeval, and it is like to be at the moment so give him the first thing we Evi God Vljeval). People said: O Messenger of Allah Taibna them, he said to them: (I do not know which of the authorized you who did not authorize, even raise Varjawa us Arafawkm enough). Faraga people, Vklmanm Arafawhm, and then returned to the Prophet may Allah bless him and tell him: and they Taiboa authorized. That is what we Oguzn of captivity. This is the last to say pink, I mean: This is who we are.
24 - Bab: gave him a gift and he Gelsawh is later.
It should be mentioned that Ibn Abbas: The Geladsh partners, not true.
2467 - Describe the son of a fighter: Abdullah told us: Tell us the Division of Salamah bin Khel, from Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him that we are not taking the spot accompanied by receiving, he said: (The author of an article right). Then spent the best of the age, and said: (Ovdilkm eliminate Ohassankm).
2468 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Tell us Aienp son, Amr, the son of Omar, may Allah be pleased with them:
He was with the Prophet peace be upon him in the travel, was the virgin of the age is difficult, it was like God's blessings and peace be upon him, his father says: "O Abdullah, does not take God's blessings and peace be upon him one. Said to him, the Prophet peace be upon him: (a given). Omar said: It is you, Vachtrah, said: (is you, Abdullah, Vsna what you want).
25 - section: If the donation of a man, a train passenger is permitted.
2469 - The Humaidi: Tell us Sufyaan: Amr told us, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
We were with the Prophet peace be upon him in the travel, I Bakr, Saab, said God's blessings and peace be upon him to the age of: (a given). Fabtall, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (is you, Abdullah).
26 - Bab: He hates the gift of Bsa.
2470 - Describe Abdullah bin Muslim, the owner of the beneficial, Abdullah bin Omar, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Omar bin al-Khattab saw Sira suit at the door of the mosque, he said: O Messenger of God, if I bought Vbustha on Friday and the delegation, said: (worn but not creative in the Hereafter). Then there was analyzed, giving the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and including the age of suit, and said: Oksotineha, and I said at the Mercury suit, what I said? He said: (I did not Okskha to Talpsha). Vksaha his brother Omar in Mecca engaging.
2471 - Describe Abu Jafar Mohammed ibn Jaafar: Tell us Fidail son, from his father, from Nafi, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and Fatima did not enter the house, and she came to him, Vzl of the Prophet peace be upon him said: (I saw the door Mochea Sitra). He said: (What do I have to a minimum). Votaha Ali stated that she, she said: to Iomrni including wills in which, he said: (so send it to the people, the House need them).
2472 - Describe Hajjaj bin Mnhal: Division said to us: Tell me soft bin Abdul Malik said: I heard Zaid bin Wahab, Ali may Allah be pleased with him said:
Dedicated to the Prophet peace be upon him suit Sira, Vbustha, and I saw anger in his face, between the female Vhqguetha.
[5051, 5502]
27 - section: to accept the gift of obedience.
"Abu Hurayra, the Prophet peace be upon him: (migrated Bassarp Abraham, peace be upon him, and his village, where the king or Jabbar, said: give remuneration). [2104]
And presented to the Prophet may Allah bless him and the sheep cm.
"Abu Hamid: doomed king gave to the Prophet may Allah bless him and yields white, Xap Barda, and wrote him Bbharham.
2473 - Describe Abdullah bin Mohammed: Mohammed bin Yunus told us: Tell us Shiban from Qatada: Anas told us may Allah be pleased with him said:
Dedicate to the Prophet peace be upon him Sundus meal, and the end of the silk, which Fjb people, he said: (by the same hand Mohammed, Saad bin for tissues in heaven forbid better than this).
Said, for Qatada, from Anas: The Okidr Domat down to the Prophet peace be upon him.
2474 - Describe Abdullah bin Abd al-Wahhab: Khalid bin Al-Harith told us: Tell us the Division of Hisham bin Zaid, from Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him:
Jewish came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and the Shah of Vokl poisoned them, the Vjie was told: Do not Nguetlha? Said: (not). I know what I'm still in Hoat Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him.
2475 - Abu al-Nu'man to us: Tell us Umrah Bin Sulaiman, from his father, from Abu Othman, Abdul Rahman bin Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
We were with the Prophet peace be upon him, one hundred thirty, he said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Do you eat with one). If a man with food Saa or so, Fjn, and then a man came mushrik Mishaan long Bgenm forward, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (a sale or Attiya, or he said: or gift). Said: No, but the sale, buying him a sheep, Vsnat, and ordered the Prophet peace be upon him Psoad the abdomen that Lishui, and Lyme God, in the thirty per cent, however, may hurt the Prophet may Allah bless him and his snick of the stomach, either, if a witness gave him , although it is hidden away, pushed them Kassatin, and going behind Ojmon Cbena preferred Akassatan, Vhmlnah on the back, or, as he said.
28 - Bab: the gift of the heathens.
The words of Allah: (Allah does not forbid you from those who had not fought in religion did not Ikrjokm of Dyarkm Tbroohm and justly to them) / Almtnp: 8 /.
2476 - Khalid bin Mukhalad Tell us: Tell us Bilal Bin Sulaiman said: Abdullah, the son told me dinars from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
Omar felt suit on a man is sold, he said of the Prophet peace be upon him: Apta this Talpsha Hilla on Friday, and if it comes to you the delegation. He said: (but do not wear this creative in the Hereafter). Faati Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and including Bhll, sent them to the age of gown, Omar said: How Olbsaa I have said what I said where? Said: (I did not Okskha to Talpsha, sell or capped). Sent by Omar to his brother from the people of Mecca, before the.
2477 - Describe Obaid bin Ismail: Tell us Abu Osama, the Hisham, from his father, the names of the daughter of Abu Bakr may Allaah be pleased with them said:
It made my mother a joint, in the era of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Fastftit the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, I said: that made my mother is willing, my mother Ovosal? Said: (Yes, pray your mother).
[3012, 5633, 5634]
29 - section: it does not solve the one due in the endowment and ratified.
2478/2479 - Describe Muslim ibn Ibrahim: Describe the Division Hisham said: Tell us Qatada, bin Said on the Mussayab, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (return gift of Kaid Kiih).
(2479) - Describe Abdul Rahman bin Mubarak: Abdul Waris told us: Tell us Ayoub, on Akrama, from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him: (not as bad for us, which is in the gift, because Kalkalp Kiih).
2480 - Yahya bin Qzaap Tell us: Tell us the owner, the Zeid ibn Aslam, from his father: I heard Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him says:
Charged against the Persians in the name of Allah, Vodall who was with him, and that Ostraeh dead, and I thought that the vendor licenses, asked that the Prophet of God
And peace be upon him said: (although not Tstrh Oattake one dirham, the return Kalkalp ratified due Kiih).
2481 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us Hisham ibn Yusuf: The son of Greg told them, he said: Tell me Abdullah bin Obeid-Allah ibn Abi Malikah:
Souhaib be built, like the son of Molly, claiming two and a room, that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and gave it Ziba, Marwan said: Who is it for you, they said: the son of Omar, the Advocates, has witnessed the Messenger of God gave God's blessings and peace be upon him, and Ziba Petn room , Marwan spent testify to them.
30 - section: What was said on the age and Alrquby.
Oamrth house are old, made it to him. Astamrkm where () / Hood: 61 /: you to Amara.
2482 - Naim Abu Tell us: Tell us Shiban on Yahya, from Abu Salamah from Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said:
Spent the Prophet peace be upon him Balamry, it is endowed with it.
2483 - Describe Hafs Umar bin: Hammam told us: Tell us Qatada said: Anas told me Nadr bin, the bin Bashir Nhiek, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Imari Award). He said the tender:
Jaber told me, for God's blessings and peace be upon him: so.
31 - Bab: people borrowed from the Persians.
2484 - Adam told us: Tell us the Division of Qatada said: I heard ANSA says:
Was panic city, Fastar the Prophet peace be upon him horse of Abu Talha said Representative Frckb him, when he returned, he said: (What we have seen nothing, although we found the sea).
[2665, 2702, 2707, 2711, 2712, 2751, 2806, 2807, 2875, 5686, 5858]
32 - Bab: metaphor in the construction of the bride.
2485 - Naim Abu Tell us: Tell us Ayman bin Abdul Wahid said: My father told me, he said:
Entered the soul, and the shield of Qatar, the price of five dirhams, said: highest Besrk Jarreti to see it, it tezhi to wear at home, I had the shield of them at the time of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, what was the city's women Tekin sent only to borrow.
33 - Bab: Alminihp preferred.
2486 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya: Tell us the owner of the trigger, my father, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Yes Alminihp Alqahp Alsfi grant, and Shah Alsfi, and you become Biina Biina).
Describe Abdullah Yusuf bin Ismail, the owner said: Yes (charity).
2487 - Describe Abdullah ibn Yusuf: Tell us the son of the donation: Tell us Younis, from Ibn Shihab from Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him said:
As migrants came to the city of Mecca, and not in their hands, I mean nothing, and the supporters and the people of the earth property, the Ansar Faqasmanm Iattohm that the fruits of their money every year, and Jkovhm work and food, and the mother or Anas or sound, or Abdullah ibn Abi Talha, was Anas given or the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Amaqa, Voattahn the Prophet peace be upon him, or Ayman Mullach or Osama Bin Zeid.
Ibn Shihab said: he told me that Anas bin Malik: The Prophet peace be upon him for the killing of the people completed the Khyber, Vanasrv to the city, the response of migrants to the supporters who gave them that Mnaiham of Osmaarham, to the Prophet may Allah bless him and to his mother Amagaha, and gave the Messenger of God God's blessings and peace be upon him, or their place of Ayman Haith.
Said Ahmed bin Shabib: My father told us, from Yunus: That, he said: their place of faith.
2488 - Tell us outstanding: Isa bin Yunus told us: Tell us Awzai of Hassan Ben Attia, from Abu Kpcp Alslouli: I heard Abdullah bin Amr, may Allah be pleased with them to say:
"The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (Forty-lock, Oalahn Minihp Al Anz, no worker, including Bouksalp Please Thoabha and the ratification Moaudha, but introduced by the paradise of God).
Hassan said: Fddna below Minihp Al Anz, a response of peace, Tchmidt Sneezer, and remove the harm from the road and so on, what we have been able to reach fifteen lock.
2489 - Mohammed bin Yousef told us: Tell us Awzaa'i said: me tender, about Jabir may Allah be pleased with him said:
The curiosity of the men, two of us and said: Nwajerha third quarter and a half, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (from the ground has been Vliseraha, or to give his brother, the father Vllemsk home).
2490 - The Mohammed bin Yousef: Tell us Awzaa'i: syphilis told me: Ben told me tender more than: Abu Said, told me:
My came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and asked him about immigration, he said: (and scratching the great migration that, do you Ebel). Said: "Yes, he said: (gives ratified). Said: "Yes, he said: (Is it something given). Said: "Yes, he said: (Vthalbha day response). Said: "Yes, he said: (Vaaml from overseas, then God will not leave anything of your business).
2491 - Describe Muhammad ibn Bashar: Abd al-Wahhab, to us: Tell us Ayoub, Amr, the Taous said: Let them know told me to that - I mean, the son of Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them --
That the Prophet peace be upon him came to the land planting shaken, he said: (this is). They said: Akatraha so, he said: (As if he granted it, the better it
Paid to take it known).
34 - the door: if he said: Okhaddmtk this current, the Itaref people, it is permissible.
Some people said: This is naked, but he said: Xotk this dress, it is a gift.
2492 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb: Abu Describe the trigger, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (Hajer Ibrahim Bassarp, Voattoha pay, Faragat said: God is notified repress the infidel, and the product of a serving).
Ibn Sirin said, from Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet peace be upon him: (Vokhaddmha emigrated).
35 - section: If a man carrying a horse, it Kalamry and charity.
He said some people: that is due them.
2493 - Describe Humaidi: Tell us Sufian said: I heard the owner ask Zayd ibn Aslam said: I heard my father say: "Omar may Allah be pleased with him:
Charged against the Persians in the name of Allah, Froith sold, she asked the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, and he said: (not Tstrh, is not in Sedktk).
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