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Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Book Conditions

1 - section: What may be in terms of Islam and the provisions of the pledge.
2564 - Describe Bakri bin Yahya: Describe lion, the Aqil, from Ibn Shihab said: Tell me Erwa ibn al-Zubayr:
And that he had heard Marwan bin walled punch may Allaah be pleased with them: Ikbran on the companions of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him, said: As a writer Suhail bin Amr then, the condition with Suhail bin Amr, the Prophet peace be upon him: that he come not one of us, but Dink, the only repeated to us, and Khalit us and him. Thinking believers and Amtedoa, and Abu Suhail, however, the Vkatebh the Prophet peace be upon him, it has the Jandal Day as fathers to his father Suhail bin Amr, Ioth was one of the men, however, a response in that time period, although a Muslim, and the believing women migrants, and whether Kulthum bint ibn Abi obstacle Meit who went to the Messenger of Allah, a day with, people came asking God's blessings and peace be upon him to return it to them, you return it to them, Allah has sent down to them: (if Vatnohn immigrant comes to believing God knows Biimanhen - to say - do not They take them).
Erwa said: Vokbertni Aisha: that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him was Imithnhen this verse: "O ye who believe, if believing women migrants comes Vatnohn - to - Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
Erwa said: Aisha said it approved of them in this condition, it said the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (have Baiatk). Ichaelmha words, and God's hand touched the hand of a woman in the pledge of never, and only Bayahn saying.
2565/2566 - Describe Abu Naim: Tell us Sufian, on the relationship with bin Ziyad said: I heard Jerira may Allah be pleased with him says:
Accepted the allegiance of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Vastrt on: (and advice to all Muslims).
(2566) - Tell us outstanding: Tell us Yahya, Ismail said: me, Qais bin Abi Hazim, of Greer bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him said:
Accepted the allegiance of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to set up a prayer, and the delivery of Zakat, and advice to all Muslims.
2 - section: If Nkhala has sold Ebert.
2567 - Describe Abdullah ibn Yusuf: Tell us the owner of the beneficial, Abdullah Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (from Nkhala has sold Ebert, Fetmrtha to the seller, however, requires Bought).
3 - section: in the conditions of sale.
2568 - Describe Abdullah Bin Muslim: Describe lion, from Ibn Shihab, from Erwa: The soul told him:
Aisha came to Brerp Tstainha in writing, has not been ruled of writing something, she had said: "Ardjai to your family, the love that you spend typing and have done for me and Awk, she stated that Brerp Vobwa to their owners, and said: that it is to be counted you Let, It would be for us and Awk, stated that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and said to them: (Aptai Voataki, it is loyalty manumit).
4 - door: If the seller on the condition to the place of animal may be indefinite.
2569 - Naim Abu Tell us: Tell us Zacarias said: I heard Amera says: me Jabir may Allah be pleased with him:
It was on a camel had been aware of it, has endured a frustrating Prophet peace be upon him Vdharbh, called him Fassar the conduct is not like him, then said: (specific Bokip). I said: No, he said: (specific Bokip). Fbath, Fasttnit Hmlanh to my family, when we Otih sentences and Nkdni price, and then left, sent to the archaeological said: (What was taking Jmlk, subfraction Jmlk, it is the owner).
Division said, the changing, the Amer Jaber on: Ovqrni Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his back to the city.
Said Isaac, the Greer, the incursive: Fbath to me Faqar back until the city.
The tender and Other: (you back to the city).
The Mohammed bin Munkadir, from Jaabir: the requirement back to the city.
Said Zayd ibn Aslam from Jaabir: (you back up is due).
Abu Zubair said, that Jaabir: (Ovqrnacc back to the city).
The Aloamc, Salem, from Jaabir: (is it the parents).
Obaidullah said the son of Isaac, the donation from Jaabir: bought the Prophet peace be upon him Bokip.
The variety of Zayd ibn Aslam, from Jabir. His son, Greg, on the other bid, from Jaabir: (took four dinars). This is extended at the expense of ten dinars DH, did not indicate the price changing, the public, the Jaber. And Ibn al-Zubayr and Abu Munkadir for Jaber.
The Aloamc, Salem, from Jaabir: Gold and received.
"Abu Ishaq, from Salem, from Jabir: Pmaiti dirhams.
Daoud said bin Qais, the Obaidullah bin divided, that Jaabir: bought by Tabuk, Ohsabh said: Ooaq four.
Fresh, "said Abu, from Jaabir: bought twenty dinars.
And telling the most popular Bokip requirement, I have more and healthier, said Abu Abdullah.
5 - Bab: the conditions of treatment.
2570 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb: Abu Describe the trigger, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
The supporters of the Prophet peace be upon him: I swear between us and our palm, he said: (do not). He said: (Tkovnna Nscherkkm in food and fruit). They said: We hear and we obey.
2571 - Moussa told us: Tell us the names of Fatima Bin, from Naafi, Abdullah Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with him said:
Gave the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Alihrd Khyber, and that Iemloha Iseraoha, and what part they come out.
6 - Bab: the conditions of the dowry when the marriage knot.
Omar said: The selections at the right conditions, you are Crtt.
The walled: I heard the Prophet peace be upon him said Sra him, commended in the best Mshardh, he said: (and believe me, told me, and he promised me I Fofie).
2572 - Describe Abdullah bin Yusuf: Tell us Layth said: My father told me more than bin Habib, father of goodness, of a bin Amer may Allah be pleased with him said:
"The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (Then the conditions that had died by the Asthlltm the broiler chicken).
7 - Bab: the conditions of the farmers.
2573 - Malik bin Ismail told us: Tell us Aienp son: Tell us Yahya bin Said: I heard Hanadzlah Alzarki said: I heard bin Rafie premature baby may Allah be pleased with him says:
Fields were more supporters knew Lancry land, this may not come out of this, Venhina, it was not finished on paper.
8 - section: What is not permissible in terms of the Marriage
2574 - Tell us outstanding: Tell us more Zerai Ben: Tell us Moamer for syphilis, for Said, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
From the Prophet peace be upon him said: (not sold to the present, the Bad, and Tnagcoa, and Esidn the sale of his brother, in his sermon on marriage, divorce, women do not ask her sister to Tcetkvi Iinaha)
9 - Bab: the conditions that are not resolved at the border.
2575 - Describe Qutaiba bin Said: Tell us Leith, from Ibn Shihab, from Obaidullah Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood bin threshold, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him and Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani may Allaah be pleased with them they said:
The man came to express the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah Oncdk but I spent the book of God, said other discount and is knowledgeable of it: Yes, Vaqd us the book of God, and Aizn me, "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him : (Say). Said: "The son was Asiva this, Vzny Bamroth, and I told my son that the stoning, Vavcdit than a hundred sheep and born, she asked the people of science, me about: my son, but on the skin of one hundred and alienation, and the stoning of this woman," The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (which I hand to Oqdin you get the book of God, the sheep and the newborn's response, and on the skin of your child in one hundred and alienation, Anis Agd you to a woman, the recognized Vargmeha). Said: acknowledged by tomorrow, ordered by the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him Faragmt.
10 - section: What the terms of office may, if satisfied that the Emancipates sale.
2576 - Describe Khallad bin Yahya: Tell us Ayman Abdel-Wahid Al-Makki, from his father, said: Entered the soul said:
Brerp entered on a correspondence, she said Astraeni O Mother of the Believers, the civil Iabieonni, Voatakini, said: "Yes, she said: The civil Iabieonni does not even require mine, she said: I do not need, how Vsama that God's blessings and peace be upon him or in a language, he said : (What would Brerp). He said: (Voatekayaa buy, and what they require). She said: Vastraetha Voatguetha, and required her allegiance, he said the Prophet peace be upon him: (for those who redeem loyalty, and the condition is a hundred).
11 - Bab: the conditions of the divorce.
And Ibn al-Hassan and Musayyib and tender: it was the last divorce or is submitted for police.
2577 - Mohammed bin Arara Tell us: Tell us the Division, for a fixed bin Udai, the
Abu Hazim from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said:
Forbade the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him from Allah, and that of my Epta immigrant, and require women of her sister's divorce, and men som Istam his brother, and forbade Nagc and on Altbarp.
Variety Moaz and Abdul Samad of the Division. Said Gandar, Abd Al-Rahman: inhibition. Adam said: we are forbidden. The Nadr Hajjaj bin and Mnhal: Nuha.
12 - Bab: the conditions of people with words.
2578 - Ibrahim bin Musa told us: Tell us Hisham: Greg told him that the son said: Tell me the cause and the Muslim bin Amr bin Dinar, from Sa'eed ibn Jubayr, on more than one owner, and others, heard the impact, on the Saeed Bin Jubair said: I am the son of Abbas, where may Allah be pleased with them, he said: My father told me bin Ka'b said:
"The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (Moses the Prophet of God). Modern stated. Said: (Did not the least you can not patience with me, the mistake during the first, and central condition, the third deliberately, he said: not forgotten Twakzni including in my Atragueni of hardship, the boys were dead, Vantalega Fujda wall establishment wants to invalidate). Read Ibn Abbas: their king.
13 - section: in terms of loyalty.
2579 - Ismail told us: Tell us the owner, of the Hisham bin Erwa, from his father, the Messenger said:
I received a Brerp said: Katebt my nine Ooaq, each year ounces, Voainini, said: TP Love Hmoicon to be prepared and Awk I did, I went Brerp to their owners, said they Vobwa them, and they came from the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and sitting, said: I have been offered to them Vobwa only have loyalty to them, Vsama blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, the Prophet was informed Aisha peace be upon him, said: (Kvea Achtrti and their loyalty, loyalty only to the oldest). Aisha I did, and then the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation in the people, Vhamd commended by God, and then said: (what about the men required conditions are not in the Book of Allah, the requirement was not in the book of God is invalid, although it is a hundred, the judiciary God later on, God is a closer, but for those who redeem loyalty).
14 - section: If the condition of the farmers: If you want Okrjtk.
2580 - Abu Ahmed, told us: Tell us Muhammad bin Yahya, Abu Ghassan Kinani: Tell us the owner of the beneficial, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them, he said:
As the people of Khaibar-leave Abdullah bin Omar, Omar, the preachers said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and he was working on the Jews of Khaibar money, and said: (Enkerkm what God Oqrkm). The Abdullah bin Umar went to his property there, Fdi of the night, Vvdat his hands and feet, and we have no other enemy there, they are our enemy and Thmtna, and I saw the evacuation, when the whole age that my father built a Attah real, he said: "O leader of the faithful, The Otakrzina Oqrna Muhammad peace be upon him, and Aamlna funds, and the requirement that to us, Omar said: Oznnt I forgot the words of the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (How do you if only out of the Khyber Gulwsk you, night after night). He said: This was my father denominator of the poor, he said: you lied to the enemy of God, Vogelahm Omar, gave them what was the value of their fruit, money, and a barrage of offers Oguetab, rope and so on.
Narrated Hammad bin Salamah, the slaves of God - Ohsabh - from Nafi from Ibn Umar,
The age, the Prophet peace be upon him: shortened.
15 - Bab: the conditions in the struggle, and reconciliation with the people of the war, and writing conditions.
2581/2582 - me, Abdullah bin Mohammed: Abdul Razzaq told us: Tell us Moamer said: Tell me syphilis, he said: Tell Erwa ibn al-Zubayr, on the punch and walled bin Marwan, true each and every one of them an owner, said:
Out of Allah and peace be upon him Hudaibia time, so they were some way, the Prophet peace be upon him: (Khaled Bin Al Waleed Bghamim, in the vanguard of a horse of Quraish, Fajzu of right). Felt sure of what they are, even if Khalid Baktrp the army, so it is running a harbinger of Quraish, the Prophet marched peace be upon him, even if they fall Baltnip by them, by Brki Rahalth, people said: Solving a solution, Volan, Algosoa They said acetate, Hlot Algosoa, He said the Prophet peace be upon him: (What's Algosoa acetate, and then to create it, but stop her elephant). Then he said: (and my hand, do not ask me Iazmon the plan of God incarnate, however, it had given them). Then suppression of Vothbt, he said: adjusted so that they got the best of the Hudaibia Tmd little water, Itbrdah Nbardha people, not people, even Ilbuth Nzhoh, complained about the Prophet of Allah may Allah bless him and thirst, Vantzaa Kth shares, and then ordered them to Idjalua it sure is simmered them in the export of even irrigation, while they also came as a substitute Ben Rkae Khuzaie
In a group of his Khuzaa, disadvantage and were advised of Allah and peace be upon him from the people of Tihama, and he said: I left Ka'b bin Amer bin Loay Loay and landed Hudaibia of water, and Alaoz Almtavil with them, and they Mqatlok of Sadok House, said the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (I have never been deployed to fight anyone, but we, we come to pilgrims, but had Qrisha Nhecthm war, and damaged them, they want the Maddthm time, and vacate between me and the people, showed: they want to enter the income in which people did, and only has Jmwa, although they are not, Volve my hand to my Oqatlnhm on this unique even mentioned, but God rescued him). Alternative, he said: Sobulghm what they say, he said: Even so it came Qrisha, he said: I have Jinakm of the men, and heard him say in words, the you that we are introducing to you, Svhawhm said: There is no need for us to tell him something, and with the view of them: Hat to say what I heard, he said: I heard say such and such, including Vhdthm The Prophet peace be upon him, so he Erwa ibn Masood said: Any nation, Are father? They said: Yes, he said: I am not, or the child? They said: Yes, he said: Is Taathmunni? They said: No, he said: Are you know I used Okaz people, when Ali came to Belhoa Bahli WOLDE Otani is? They said: Yes, he said: this has been brought to you Roshd plan, and let me Aqubloha imminent, said: Aith, Votah, speaking to the Prophet Making peace be upon him, said the Prophet peace be upon him the order of saying the alternative, he said at that Erwa: Any Mohamed , Have you seen that is thy Astosalt, you heard one of the people of the Arabs invaded you, but not the other, I am God, and I see faces, I see people Ocwaba drawn to flee, and invite you, Abu Bakr said to him: Amss Bbzer Lat, Are we in a group and let? A: a? They said: Abu Bakr, he said: The hand that myself, but for the hands if you have not Odzk to Ojpetk, he said: the Prophet was speaking and making peace be upon him, spoke in taking more beard, and the roaring of a bin at the head of the Division of the Prophet peace be upon him, together with the the sword and it Amofr, the more love Erwa live with his hand to the Prophet may Allah bless him and hit his hand Benal sword, and said to him: You are the last of the living God and peace be upon him Erwa raised his head, he said: Who is this? They said: Ben incursive Division, said: the treachery of six Gdrtk am, and was accompanied by folk incursive were killed in ignorance, and take their money, and then came Voslm, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Then Islam, and the money in something you do not) . The Erwa make Ermq the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him a particular, he said: sure of what expectoration of Allah and peace be upon him and the expectoration occurred only in the palm of a man of them, and Vdlk face and skin, and if Aptdroa order them and, if Todo almost fighting each other on the light, and if have reduced their voices, speaking, and to limit consideration to maximize it, Faraga Erwa said to his companions: the people, and God has been coming to the Kings, and came to Caesar and confidential and Negashi, and God saw that the property owners have never revered as maximizing the Companions of Muhammad peace be upon him Muhammad, and sputum expectoration of God that only occurred in the palm of a man whom Vdlk the face and skin, and if instructed by his Aptdoa, if Todo almost fighting each other on the light, and if he spoke reduced their voices, and to limit consideration to maximize it, and that it had been presented to you plan Roshd Voqubloha. Said a man from Bani Kenana: Let me come, they said: Aith, when he oversaw the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions, "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: (This person, a nation Iazmon body, it Fabosoha). Sent to him, and he was received by the people respond, when the view of that, he said: Praise Allah, what should they be Isdoa from home, when he returned to his companions, he said: I have seen have been emulated and notified, so I think that the White Isdoa, was a man of them, said his son, nicknamed Mkrz He said: Let me come, they said: Aith, when they led, he said the Prophet peace be upon him: (This Mkrz, a rake). Making speaking to the Prophet peace be upon him, while it is Ichaelmh Suhail bin Amr came.
Muamar said: Ayoub, and he told me, on the Akrama: that said Suhail ibn Amr: The Prophet, peace be upon him: (It is easy enough for you). Muamar said: Zuhri said in his speech: Suhail bin Amr came, he said: Give us write you a book, called the Prophet may Allah bless him and the writer, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (the name of God, the Merciful). Suhail said: As for Rahman, sure of what know what it is, but unless I write your name as I write, he said Muslims: God does not only write the name of God the Merciful, the Prophet said, peace be upon him: (Oh God, I write your name). Then he said: (This is what the judge Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah). Suhail said: By Allah, if we know that you are the Messenger of God, what the White Sddnak Qatlnak not, but Write: Muhammad bin Abdullah, said the Prophet peace be upon him: (and I am the Messenger of God and God Kzpettmoni, Write: Muhammad bin Abdullah). Pink said: In order to say: (do not ask me Iazmon plan by the incarnate God, however, it had given them). Said to him, the Prophet peace be upon him: (that between us and the abandoned house by Vntov). Suhail said: By Allah, I do not speak the Arabs we click, but that next year, he wrote, said Suhail: and it did not come from the man, even if your religion only repeated to us. Muslim said: Praise Allah, how is the mushrikeen The Muslims, while they are entered as well as Abu Jandal bin Suhail bin Amr Ersv in its restrictions, has emerged from the bottom of Mecca, so he threw himself between the Muslims showed, he said Suhail: This is the first thing that Mohammed Okadhik be received by me, he said the Prophet peace be upon him: (I did not set aside the book yet). He was not sure if something Osag never said the Prophet peace be upon him: (Vodzh me). Said: I am Bmgizh you, he said: (Yes, please do). Said: I am Pfaal, said Mkrz: it may Odznah you, "said Abu Jandal: the body of Muslims, respond to and I am a Muslim infidels, and that you can see what might have been? He had been severely tortured in punishment of God.
He said: Umar ibn al-Khattab said: Voti Prophet of Allah and peace be upon him, so I said: Not a Prophet of God? Said: (Yes). I said: Are not we on the right and the wrong enemy? Said: (Yes). I said: Aldnip not give in to our faith then? Said: (I am the Messenger of Allah, and I am not Oasih, a NASSERI). I said: Is not you come home, I talked Vntov it? Said: (Yes, I Vokbertk General Note). Said: I said: No, he said: (and you آتيه by Mtov). Said: Voti Abu Bakr said: O Abu Bakr, the Prophet of God is not really, he said Yes, I said: Are not we on the right and the wrong enemy? Said: Yes, I said: Aldnip not give in to our faith then? Said: Oh man, that the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, and not disobey his Lord, which is espoused, Fastmsk Pegrzh sure of that, right? I said: I used to tell us he is not come home and Ntov it, he said: Yes, you are able to do Ovokbarak year? I said: No, he said: you آتيه and Mtov it.
Pink said: Umar said: fixes for that work, he said: When he completed the issue of the book, "The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and to his companions: (your Vanhroa then Ahalqgua). He said: sure of what the man of whom even said so three times, when one of them did not came to Umm Salama, he stated it was the people of Umm Salamah said: Yanpi God, Would you like it, do not leave none of them spoke the word, so that slave women Bdnk , and calls Halqk Vilhakk. So none of them did not even speak to do so, the slaughter of his body, and called Halgah cycle, when they saw that Venhroa and make some of them fly, so that almost killed some mines, then came women believers, God Ubayy: (O ye who believe, if the immigrant comes to believers Vatnohn - have - Basm Alkuafr). Omar Vtaleg then two women, were in the trap, "Get married, one of Abu Muawiya ibn Sufyan, and the other bin Safwan illiteracy, and then returned the Prophet may Allah bless him and handed over to the city of Abu Basir Suddenly, a man from Quraish, a Muslim, Vorsilwa in his men and said: Covenant made us, Vdfh to men, even if Fajrja reached an ally, of Vensloa eat with them, he said to Abu Basir, one of the men: and Allah is my Civic to see this, so good, Vastelh the other, he said: Yes, and it's good, we have tested the , and then tested, Abu Basir said: Show me see it, it Vomcnh, Vdharbh so cold, so he provided the other city, the mosque and his running, he said the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and when he saw: (I felt this panic).
When he came to the Prophet may Allah bless him and said: By Allah, the killing of the authors and I am dead, Abu Basir came: he said: "O Prophet of God, and God has fulfilled God Zmtk may Rddtni them, then God Naghani them, the Prophet peace be upon him: (Will his mother, is priced in the war, if it has one). When he heard that he has Srdh them, Saif got to rest until the sea, he said: get out of them and Abu Jandal bin Suhail, Abu Basir pulled, not pushed out of the Quraish who had only the right of the safest in Abu Basir, even met a gang of them, sure of what they hear and one out of Quraish objected only to the Levant, the dead and took their money, sending Quraish to the Prophet may Allah bless him and calls upon God and the uterus: Send to: Attah, it is safe, and sent the Prophet may Allah bless him and them, Ubayy God: (It is the palm of their hands, which you and your hands Mecca from their stomach after they Ozfrckm - have - diet diet Jaahiliyyah). The diet they did not admit that the Prophet of God, did not admit caused God the Merciful, and prevented them from home.
Abu Abdullah said: "Marp" Aerjerb. "Remove" humor. Prevented the protection of protected people, and caused the fever, fever Ohamit not.
(Continued ...)
(Continued ... 1): - 2581/2582 - me, Abdullah bin Mohammed: Abdul Razzaq told us: Tell us Moamer .... ..
(2582) - The AKIL on syphilis: Erwa said: Vokbertni Aisha: that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him was Imithnhen, and we, as God sent down: to respond to the infidels who spent migrated from their spouses, and the rule of the Muslims should not Basm Alkuafr hold, that the age of divorced women near Bint Abi illiteracy, and a daughter Grol Khuzaie, close Mu'aawiyah Get married, and married the other Abu Jihm, when he refused to admit that the performance of the infidels as Muslim spent their spouses revealed God: (The Vatkm something to your wives of the infidels Faqpettm ). Stub and leads to the Muslims who migrated from the wife of the infidels, and ordered to give him a gold pair of Muslim women spent portion of the infidels who have migrated, and we know none of the migrant rebounded after faith.
And that we have a father Basir Bin acid Althagafi submitted to the Prophet peace be upon him a believer in term immigrants, Ben Criv Alokhans wrote to the Prophet may Allah bless him and asked him the father of the Seer, he recalled talking.
16 - Bab: the conditions in the loan.

2583 - The lion said: me Jafar bin al-Abdul-Rahman bin Hormuz, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him,
The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: that a man said he asked some of the Children of Israel that Isilvh thousand dinars, for him to Verwaha indefinitely.
His son Omar - may Allah be pleased with them - and giving: If it may be in the loan.
17 - Bab: the offices, and does not solve the conditions which are contrary to the Book of Allah.
He said Jaber bin Abdullah - may Allah be pleased with them - in the office: including their own terms.
The son of Omar, or Omar: each requirement violated the Book of Allah is void if the condition is a hundred.
"Said Abu Abdullah: said of both: the age and the son of Omar.
2584 - Describe Ali bin Abdullah: Tell us Sufyaan on Yahya, the minor, the Messenger of Allaah said:
That do Brerp ask in writing, she said: that you have given your family and loyalty to me, when the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said, he said, the Prophet peace be upon him: (Aptaiha Voatekayaa, it is loyalty manumit). Then the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him on the podium, he said: (what about the required conditions for the folks not in the Book of Allah, it is not a condition stipulated in the book of God is not, and that the condition is a hundred).
18 - section: What is the requirement and may be of Inia in the approval, and the conditions under which people Itarefha them, and if a hundred, said: only one or Tntin.
Ibn Sirin said: A man of the unpleasant, the Rcabac, does not leave you on such and such, you have a hundred dirhams, did not come out, he said Crih: the requirement of its own free himself, however, is obliged to it.
Ayoub said: from Ibn Sirin: The man sold the food, and said: Wednesday, etc., if it is not selling you and me, it was coming, he said Crih to the buyer: You made false, spent it.
2585 - Abu Aleman told us: Tell us Shuayb: Abu Describe the trigger, the lame, from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him:
That the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him said: (God, that ninety-nine names, only one hundred and one, identified by the income of the Paradise).
[6047, 6957]
19 - Bab: the conditions of the stay.
2586 - Describe Qutaiba bin Said: Tell us Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Ansari: Describe the type of son he said: Onboni Nafi, from Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them:
Omar bin al-Khattab that hit the ground Bkhyeer, man to God's blessings and peace be upon him Istomrh where, he said: O Messenger of God, I hit the ground Bkhyeer, the money I'd never have the most precious of which, what order it? Said: (The origin and locked you out Tsedkt). Said: ratify the age: it is not sold nor inherited or donated, and ratified by the poor, and kinship, and in their necks, and in the way of Allah and the wayfarer, and the guest, not on the wing of asking them to eat the Propagation of Virtue and the non-feeding Mtamol. He said: Ibn Sirin enjoying it, he said: not Mtothel money.
[2613, 2620, 2621, 2625]

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